Showing posts with label hyperthermia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hyperthermia. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Malignant hyperthermia


  • Inherited disorder in skeletal muscle cells
  • Autosomal dominant
  • Variable penetrance
  • Incidence:-   1:15 000 – paediatrics         1: 40 000 – adult
  • Can be lethal
  • A genetic mutation in Rynodine receptor, an intracellular calcium channel in sarcoplasmic reticulum.
  • When triggered, there is an exaggerated release of calcium ions causing hypermetabolism.
  • Triggering agents:- Halogenated inhalational anaesthetic agents Suxamethonium
  • They can be otherwise healthy individuals.
  • More susceptible in :-
            • Duchenne muscular dystrophy
            • Central core disease
            • Osteogenesis imperfecta
            • Strabismus surgery
            • Repeated anaesthetics
            • Positive family history.