Showing posts with label venous. Show all posts
Showing posts with label venous. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Introduction Venepuncture is the term used for the procedure of entering a vein with a needle.

  1. Withdrawal of blood for investigations
  2. As a route for venous access
  1. Confirm patient identity   
  2. Communicate with the patient
    • Explain the procedure to the patient and get his/her verbal consent
    • Try to minimize the patient distress
    • Ask if blood has been withdrawn previously
    • Sometimes the patient is able to point out sites where blood can be withdrawn successfully.
    • Answer any questions the patient has  
  3. Gather the equipment needed
    • Non sterile pair of gloves
    • Kidney tray
    • Tourniquet
    • Sterile alcohol swabs
    • Sterile needle and syringe of an appropriate size
    • Plaster / hypoallergenic tape
    • Blood collecting tubes or bottles
    • Ensure there is adequate light  