Showing posts with label disinfection equipment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label disinfection equipment. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Chemical agents used in sterilization and disinfection


Purpose ,  Antiseptic & Disinfectant activity,
1.    Alcohols
70% ethanol,
70% isopropyl alcohol
(Up to 95% can be used but not in the pure form)
Kills – most vegetative bacteria, fungi & viruses
Inactive against spores of bacteria & fungi
1.    Skin disinfectant for venepuncture, cannula insertion & IM injections.
2.    Disinfection of thermometers and surfaces.
3.    Can be used as a base for other bactericides.
eg: Chlorhexidine, Iodine, Triclosan -  For pre-operation skin disinfection
-  eg: 0.5% chlorhexidine in 95%  ethanol
2.    Aldehydes
*Gluteraldehyde (Cidex)
2% gluteraldehyde is very commonly used in hospitals.
Kills – all organisms & spores
1.    2% Gluteraldehyde is used to disinfect heat sensitive instruments
eg. Fiber optic endoscopes , Dialysis equipment,  Plastic tubing.
1.    Gluteraldehyde – inactivated less by organic matter.
2.    Need proper cleaning of instruments before dipping.
3.    Tubes must be totally immersed & completely filed.
4.    Non corrosive
5.    Irritant to skin, eyes & mucous membrane – need proper washing with sterile water after immersion.
6.    Acidic solutions are slower sporicides than alkaline solutions.
7.    Should be used within 14 days or discarded following 20 immersions even before 14 days.
Decontaminate postmortem rooms, & laboratories.(fumigation)