Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Chemical agents used in sterilization and disinfection


Purpose ,  Antiseptic & Disinfectant activity,
1.    Alcohols
70% ethanol,
70% isopropyl alcohol
(Up to 95% can be used but not in the pure form)
Kills – most vegetative bacteria, fungi & viruses
Inactive against spores of bacteria & fungi
1.    Skin disinfectant for venepuncture, cannula insertion & IM injections.
2.    Disinfection of thermometers and surfaces.
3.    Can be used as a base for other bactericides.
eg: Chlorhexidine, Iodine, Triclosan -  For pre-operation skin disinfection
-  eg: 0.5% chlorhexidine in 95%  ethanol
2.    Aldehydes
*Gluteraldehyde (Cidex)
2% gluteraldehyde is very commonly used in hospitals.
Kills – all organisms & spores
1.    2% Gluteraldehyde is used to disinfect heat sensitive instruments
eg. Fiber optic endoscopes , Dialysis equipment,  Plastic tubing.
1.    Gluteraldehyde – inactivated less by organic matter.
2.    Need proper cleaning of instruments before dipping.
3.    Tubes must be totally immersed & completely filed.
4.    Non corrosive
5.    Irritant to skin, eyes & mucous membrane – need proper washing with sterile water after immersion.
6.    Acidic solutions are slower sporicides than alkaline solutions.
7.    Should be used within 14 days or discarded following 20 immersions even before 14 days.
Decontaminate postmortem rooms, & laboratories.(fumigation)

Halogens : *Hypo chlorine gas & chlorinated lime for purification of water
Kills - bacteria, fungi, viruses & spores , Good activity against HIV & hepatitis B
1.    1% (extra strong) – blood spillage
2.    0.25% (strong) – lab: pipettes, jars
3.    0.1%  (moderate) - one penicillin bottle in one litre of water for general environmental disinfection
- Corrosive to metal and is inactivated by organic matter
Freshness & pH are critical, Discard after 24 hrs
*iodine & iodophores
eg. Povidone iodine – cleaning & disinfection of infected wounds
Kills – vegetative bacteria some fungi, viruses & spores
1.    inactivated by organic matter
2.    good pre-operative skin preparation
3.    rapid action
4.    Diguanides
Savlon  chlorhexidine + cetrimide
Hibiscrub – 4% chlorhexidine in detergent
Hibisol  chlorhexidine + alcohol + glycerine
Kills – Staphylococcus aureus & fungi
§  Moderate activity against Gram (-) bacteria
Some activity against Pseudomonas
§  Little activity against viruses
No activity against spores
§  Antiseptic for skin & mucous membranes
§  used as pre-operative skin preparation, lumber puncture, bone marrow aspiration
§  inactivated by organic matter
5.    Phenolics (carbolic acid)
 - chloroxylenol (Dettol)
-          Clear soluble phenols
-          (Sudol Hycolin)
-  hexachlorophene (Phisohex)
-  Alkyl phenols (Lysol)
 Kill - bacteria including Pseudomonas & tubercle bacilli, fungi& viruses.
Poor activity against bacterial spores.
1.    use to disinfect bed pans & sputum mugs,
2.    Environmental disinfection (Floors & walls)
1.    Not readily inactivated by organic matter.
Skin irritant.
6.    Quaternary Ammonium compounds (QACs)
- cetrimide +
 Benzalkoniumchloride (Zephiran)               
Kill – Rabies virus, Staphylococci, some Gram (-) bacilli
Poor activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa
1.    easily inactivated by soap, cork
7.    Heavy metals
Mercury & silver
1.    AgNO3 – 1-0.5% Ophthalmia neonatorum
Silver sulphadizine – burns & chronic wounds
8.        Oxidizing agents -    H2O2, KMnO4
9.    Dyes
 *Aniline dyes – Malachite green, Crystal violet
1.    Bactericidal
use in skin & wound antisepsis
*Acridine dyes – Gentian violet, Methylene blue, Acri flavin
10.  Soaps
Mild disinfectant activity, washing helps in manual removal of bacteria
11.   Peracetic acid
1.    effectiveness similar to gluteraldehyde
2.    used for purposes as gluteraldehyde
1.    used within 24 hrs of preparation
2.    need less immersion time than gluteraldehyde
12.  Ethylene oxide
1.    to sterilize prosthetic heart valves, plastic catheters, electronic items
13.  Formaldehyde gas
Decontaminate ventilators, anesthetic equipment & baby incubators, etc..
14.  Low temperature saturated steam & Gaseous formaldehyde
- at 65Âșc low concentration formaldehyde with sub atmospheric steam for 02 hrs
use for operative laproscopes, bronchoscopes, & ventilators
15.  Gas plasma
Radio frequency energy & H2O2 vapour

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