Saturday, April 13, 2013

Scan technique ii

Indications for 2nd & 3rd trimester scanning

  • Assigning dates
  • Assessing foetal growth, amniotic fluid volume, foetal heart motion & foetal presentation.
  • Assessing placental position & texture.
  • For review of foetal anatomy
  • To detect the presence of adenexal masses or cysts or uterine myomas
Scan technique
  • Bi parietal diameter measurement of the foetal head –BPD
  • BPD measurement is more accurate in the first trimester.
  • BPD is the distance between the anterior & posterior tables of the skull.
  • It is measured perpendicular to the mid line echo (falx)


Femoral length measurement -FL
  • Is more accurate in the third trimester.
  • Is the longest length of the shaft of the femer in an image completely separate from the overlying foetal skin.

Abdominal circumference measurement –AC
  • AC measurement is the most useful measurement in assessing the foetal growth. This measurement is the most useful in assessing foetal growth retardation.
  • AC is measured in an image in the plane of the foetal umbilical artery & the foetal stomach.
Liquor volume assessment

  • Liquor volume is measured by adding the vertical lengths of the liquor pools in all four quadrants.
  • The images should be measured with no intervening foetal parts.
The average of the all four measurements is regarded as the liquor volume

  • When the liquor volume measurement is increased > 8 it is considered as hydramios
  • When the liquor volume is < 2 it is considered as oligo hydramnios
  • Should document whether live or not, single or multiple pregnancies, presentation &lie.
  • Placenta whether anterior, posterior, lateral, fundal or placenta previa.
  • Following measurements of the fetus should be documented.
  • BPD, FL, AC
  • Liquor volume should be measured & documented.
  • Whether the fetus is normal or abnormal should be documented

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