Monday, April 15, 2013

Management of Postpartum Collapse - AMNIOTIC FLUID EMBOLISM

  • Extremely sudden severe shock with severe dyspnoea, cyanosis Pulmonary oedema
  • Blood stained frothy sputum
  • Convulsions may occur  
  • Usually immediately after membranes rupture however it can occur even with intact membranes occurs during strong uterine contractions
  • Usually fatal 
  • Hydrocortisone 1 g I.V. stat
  • I.V.  Hartmann 's or N. saline - fast frusemide"80 mg I.V. stat
  • Aminophylline 500 mg in 50 cc 50% dextrose over 20 minutes Oxygen inhalation, if available
  • 8.4% sodium bicarbonate 100-200 cc I.V.
Transfer to specialist unit if your resuscitation was successful because almost invariably P.P.H. follows due to D.I.C. (disseminated intravascular coagulation)

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