Monday, April 8, 2013


Laparotomy  - opening

Surgical entry to the peritoneal cavity
  • Emergency – Traumatic,  Non traumatic
  • Elective
Indications (emergency)

  • Non responsive patient / unstable patient following initial adequate resuscitation.
  • Unequivocal clinical evidence of peritonitis
  • Penetrating missile and penetrating abdominal (discuss with senior) trauma.
  • Positive diagnostic peritoneal lavage.
  • Air present under the diaphragm.
Pre operative preparation

Elective – Well assessed, prepared consented patient
Emergency –

  • Resuscitated, consented (except in non responsive / unstable) patients.
  • Grouping DT at least 2 units of blood.
  • Urinary catheter / NG tube (if needed) – in elective patients following anaesthetizing the patient)
  • Prophylactic IV antibiotics (cefuroxime 1.5g / metronidazole 500mg)
  • Have two “working” suckers and adequate number of abdominal packs ready, if expecting intra-abdominal bleeding.   

  • Under general anaesthesia
  • Clean from nipples to mid thigh
  • Drape from xiphisternum to pubic symphysis
  • (For Emergency laparotomy in patients who are unresponsive to resuscitation, cleaning and draping is done prior to anaesthesia)
  • Midline incision skirting the umbilicus
  • Once reached the anterior rectus sheath lift the abdominal wall along with the assistant.
  • Incise the linea alba without entering the peritoneum at a point close to the umbilicus. (Peritoneum is closest to the rectus sheath in this area. In a re laparotomy enter the peritoneal cavity though a virgin area to minimize the possibility of damage to bowel.)
  • Lift the peritoneum with straight artery forceps and incise between them with the blade, having excluding catching of bowel.
  • Extend the laparotomy appropriately while protecting the bowel.
  • In case of Pus / bowel contents – send sample for culture ABST.
  • Massive bleeding - Pack the four quadrants of abdominal cavity. (Inform senior)
  • Always control bleeding before controlling contamination.
Peritoneal Survey

Laparotomy – closure            

  • Continued blood loss despite definite surgery / packing
  • Inability to close the laparotomy without tension due to gross dilatation / oedema of bowel
    • Irrigate appropriately
    • Place and anchor drains as needed
    • Check for instruments, towels and swabs.
    • Place omentum covering the bowel overlying the laparotomy wound.
    • Mass suture the anterior rectus sheath, with a continuous no 1 or 2 non absorbable suture material. 
        • Make sure that the bowel is not caught in the mass closure.
        • The suture should be at least 4 times the length.
        • Sutures should be applied 1-2cm away from margin and 1-2cm apart.
        • Bury the knot.
    • Close the skin with an appropriate suture material.

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