Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Hand hygiene

  • On average, 8.7% of hospital patients suffer nosocomial infections.
  • Hospital infections are a leading cause of death in some parts of the world.
  • Most patient deaths and suffering attributable to health care-associated infections can be prevented.
  • The costs of health care-associated infections vary by country and institution. 
  • The single most important measure to prevent and control health care -associated.
Benefits of hand washing are,
    • Reduces nosocomial infections
    • Preventing cross transmission of multi-resistant organisms
    • Preventing and control epidemics
    • Cost saving
    • Reduces morbidity and mortality
  • Microbiology of hands,
  • Bacteria present in healthy skin.
    • Resident flora
    • Transient flora
Hand washing is to remove visible and invisible dust and to inhibit or destroy ‘potentially pathogenic bacteria’ present on the hands of the staff.
  • Types of hand washing,
         Social hand washing
    • Use of non-medicated soap or detergent and water
         Hygienic hand washing
    • Use of antiseptic-detergent preparation
         Surgical hand disinfection
    •  Use of antiseptic – detergent preparation for a longer application time
 When to wash,
    • Before and after having direct contact with patients. 
    •  Before handling an invasive device (regardless of whether or not gloves are used) for patient care.
    • After contact with body fluids or excretions, mucous membranes, non-intact skin, or wound dressings.
    • If moving from a contaminated body site to a clean body site during patient care.
    •  After contact with inanimate objects (including medical equipment) in the immediate vicinity of the patient.
    •  Before leaving the work place.
  • 05 steps for hand washing,
    1. Wet hands with warm water.
    2. Apply a few drops of liquid soap (or foam) or a bar of soap.
    3. Scrub for 20 seconds – include the area between fingers, wrists and around nails.
    4. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.
    5. Dry hands on a disposable paper towel.
  • Benefits of hand rub,
    • Availability of alcohol-based hand rubs is critical to promote effective hand hygiene practices, in particular in settings without access to running water.
    •  Introduction of an alcohol-based hand rub has led to increased hand hygiene compliance among healthcare workers and Decreased health care-associated infections.
    • Require less time
    • Acts fast
    • More accessible than sinks
    • Most efficacious agent to reduce number of bacteria than soap
    • Easy access to hand hygiene materials could help improve adherence to hand washing practices.
  • Agents,
   Alcohol based antiseptics
    • 70% ethanol
    • 60% isopropanol
    Non-alcohol based antiseptics
    • 4% chlorhexidine-detergent
    • 7.5% povidone-iodine

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