Monday, April 8, 2013

Small bowel resection and anastomosis


  • Congenital lesions i.e.: atresia, duplication
  • Traumatic perforation
  • Critical ischaemia
  • Crohn’s disease or other cause of stricture
  • Tumours of the bowel or its mesentery

  • Adequate hydration and nasogastric intubation
  • Appropriate prophylactic antibiotics

  • Isolate the diseased loop of bowel from the other abdominal contents by means of a large towel
  • Hold up the bowel and examine the mesentery against the light
  • Determine the proximal and distal sites for dividing the bowel, and select the line of vascular section in between; keep fairly close to the bowel wall (except when resecting a neoplasm)
  • Incise the peritoneum along this line to expose the mesenteric vessels
  • Ligate and divide the mesenteric vessels
  • Apply four intestinal clamps
  • First, 2 crushing clamps on either sides of the lesion
  • Then, non-crushing clamps about 5cm outside each crushing clamp
  • Place a clean towel beneath the clamps at each end
  • Divide the bowel with a knife flush against the outer aspect of each crushing clamp
  • Remove the segment of bowel and cleanse each end using povidone iodine

  • Assess the bowel ends for viability (colour, bleeding, peristalsis, mesenteric pulsations)
  • Make sure that the suture lines are not under tension

  • Single layer sero-submucosal sutures, using 2/0 or 3/0 absorbable sutures (polyglactin)
  • 2 layer – technique – continous, using 2/0 or 3/0 absorbable sutures (outer layer should be preferably silk or poly glactin). 
    • First layer – should catch the serosa and the muscle only.
    • Second layer – full  thickness of the bowel.
2 layer technique
Serosa is the sealant layer.  When completed, the serosal approximation should be ensured.



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