Monday, April 15, 2013

Management of Postpartum Collapse


Before delivery
After delivery
After 3rd stage
Rupture uterus
PPH – During 3rd stage
Ruptured uterus
Amniotic fluid embolism
Uterine inversion
  • Past caesarean section
  • Grand multigravida
  • Multigravida given oxytocin during labour
  • Almost never in primigravida - except following manipulations or previous uterine scar e.g. myomectomy

Management of Postpartum Collapse - AMNIOTIC FLUID EMBOLISM

  • Extremely sudden severe shock with severe dyspnoea, cyanosis Pulmonary oedema
  • Blood stained frothy sputum
  • Convulsions may occur  
  • Usually immediately after membranes rupture however it can occur even with intact membranes occurs during strong uterine contractions
  • Usually fatal 

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Management of Postpartum Collapse - CONVULSIONS

Convulsions may be due to eclampsia, epilepsy, malaria, head injury, cerebral abscess, meningitis, encephalitis, etc.

Whatever the cause, initial steps are the same.
  • Stop the fits
  • Maintain airway
  • Prevent aspiration
  • Prevent injuries
Immediate care :
  • Position the patient - head low, turn to a side
  • airway - plastic or metal
  • Suck the mouth and pharynx
  • Place cushions around the patient or tie the limbs loosely with soft cloth  

Scan technique ii

Indications for 2nd & 3rd trimester scanning

  • Assigning dates
  • Assessing foetal growth, amniotic fluid volume, foetal heart motion & foetal presentation.
  • Assessing placental position & texture.
  • For review of foetal anatomy
  • To detect the presence of adenexal masses or cysts or uterine myomas
Scan technique
  • Bi parietal diameter measurement of the foetal head –BPD
  • BPD measurement is more accurate in the first trimester.
  • BPD is the distance between the anterior & posterior tables of the skull.
  • It is measured perpendicular to the mid line echo (falx)


Scan technique i

First trimester

  • Bleeding after a POA
  • Pain during pregnancy
  • Pregnancy complicated by fibroid or ovarian cyst
Scans are performed though the full bladder using a 5 MHtz curvilinear probe.

Indications for first trimester sonography 
  • Localization of the GS –Intra uterine or Ectopic pregnancy
  • Identification of foetal viability
  • Anovular gestation
  • Estimation of POG
  • Assessment of multiple pregnancy, number of embryos chorionicity & amniocity
